Rest of ME?

The illusion of reality is something that is constantly on the forefront of my mind. The idea of a singular reality is, to me, an impossibility yet there is no empirical even dance to support such a statement. Fractured time, no linear existence, multi-planar or dimensional existence are my beliefs that each and every decision leads to a split in the a being and therefore the reality in which it is associated. Much like the dilemma posed by Schrödinger’s cat in which the cat in a box with poison is both alive and dead until it is witnessed to be either alive or dead, which of all fractures of reality are real or true, given the fact the we live within the reality it is impossible to decern what reality is and points towards that we do live in a simulation or just exist within ourselves, an imagination of ourselves. When we sleep is the computer model off? When we sleep do we wake in the same state or reality that we left before we slept? How insignificant are these questions? Given that all matter that can exist has ever existed it, do we take on approximations of past compositions of matter? Does matter cease to exist if the vibration of particles stop? To say this life is illusory is an understatement, belief alone contradicts the ability to understand what illusion or part of an illusion we live within. To believe is to be immersed in the illusion, the question is in reality who’s illusion do we live and why do we live there?

With all that being said the idea that we are perceived as different people depending on the viewer can be thought of as a parallel to multi-planar existence. Kind of akin to how Instagram only shows the curated parts of you. 

I’m not sure where this is going, but it’s going somewhere. And at this time in the dimensional fracture I just created, another me has already figured out where this is going. If I could only somehow tap into that entity….