For me awe is something seldom achieved, I find that if I think about something in the right way it’s existence makes sense.
Part 1: Awe
For me awe is something seldom achieved, I find that if I think about something in the right way it’s existence makes sense. This might sound like a ridiculous statement, however, lets explore this concept a little further.
Definition of awe
1: an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime
2: archaic**:** DREAD, TERROR: the power to inspire dread
In the above definition dread and wonder stand out in my mind. There are few things I wonder about especially in the technology sector because if a human(s) created said technology then thinking through how the arrived at that point id just a logical process. If we look at dread on the other hand, I fear for only what humans will do with the technology, I even categorize the eventuality that AI and machines will overtake humans as a result of what humans have done with the technology.
The idea of awe moves further away from something I experience when we look at the second half of the definition, sacred or sublime. This notion exists on the belief in the sacred, holy, spiritual the list goes on. Being agnostic or even atheist at times it’s hard for me to reconcile this within my thoughts. Is it impossible to be in awe if one does not believe in a higher power?
If we are in fact living in a simulation, I believe that would inspire awe for me, but one must ask the question if a simulation inspires awe than why would the creation of the world by a high power not inspire awe? This is the root of my dread, if there is a god why would it not truly make itself known to us, faith alone is not something I can rely on and furthermore why would a god want us to doubt it. However, the creator of a simulation wishing to remain anonymous make absolute sense to me, since by definition a simulation is not real.
Now don’t get me wrong I find lots of things cool but that doesn’t mean they inspire awe.
April 2, 2021 @ 2:07 pm
The position that technology does not inspire awe seems totally valid, but it does raise some interesting questions for me about the function of awe. Often times awe is referenced as a motivator of virtuous thought or behavior (whether from religion or nature), such as humility, care for the Earth or others, and self-reflection. Do you think there are other motivators for these “virtues” or perhaps do you find these impulses not virtuous at all?
Your thought that a creator would reveal themselves unless there was some trick or reason to hide makes me wonder about your thoughts about anonymity in general. Is there such a thing as neutral or benevolent anonymity?