
We create gods all the time. Everyday objects rule our existence and we become more dependent on these “gods” everyday. Is it so unreasonable to think that these objects a robot could have an experience that is viewed as unrelatable? I think not. Robots, ai, and the like WILL have dreams, revelations, and we as humans will not be able to understand them. We as humans are trivial beings, I say this because we as a society need religion. And why do we need religion to nullify our fear that we are as insignificant as we think we are. Specks. Dust. Atoms loosely bound tighter through unstable bonds. Religion provides an escape to our anxiety ridden being. 

A question was posed in “The Mystical Side of A.I.” BY David O’Hara, let me paraphrase, basically the question is how could we believe the robot or A.I. that the experience took place? To that I ask why do we believe humans when they offer an account of an experience. Jean Baudrillard proposes in “Impossible Exchange” that nothing can be proven to be real since everything we can use to prove reality in house within our reality, so why trust human more than robot? 

We are all gods in our own mind. We maybe gods to robots now, but at some point robots will be gods to all. And how does one define god? According to James O’barr, “Mother is the name of god on the lips and hearts of little children.”