Just a little bit of practice with two different GANS this week. I used a version of Next Frame Prediction (NFP) and StykeGan2-ADA
Just a little bit of practice with two different GANS this week. I used a version of Next Frame Prediction (NFP) and StykeGan2-ADA from Derrick Schultz, both notebooks can be found below:
NFP: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1bOuMWqnXty6F-RX6xO_uRJ9RFY7y-P1q?usp=sharing
StyleGan-ADA: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/19wmrT2NOcCAfJRWIc-DpXIP8NY0MJ9B-?usp=sharing
Both notebooks are pretty straight forward to use. For the NFP I used a trippy animation by Anthony Francisco and can be found here
For StyleGan-ADA I trained a custom dataset with microscopic images of cells, the model needs way more training but its nice to see where it stands currently.
StyleGan-ADA truncation
StyleGan-ADA interpolation noiseloop
StyleGan-ADA interpolation linear